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dstat - How to check individual disk IO in Linux

There might be the odd occasion where you want to know what your drives are up to individually. Enter, dstat. Do follow the link as the site has a plethora of other options to try!

This tool is installable on Debian with apt install dstat and provides a bunch of useful information. You can run...

19th Sep 2017 - IronicBadger
How To: Setup Containers on QNAP

How To: Setup Containers on QNAP


The aim of this guide will be to show new users of our containers how to get started on the QNAP platform. I will cover how to go about setting up the user and permissions as well as the information you need to enter during each screen of the Container Station wizard. With this guide,...

17th Sep 2017 - j0nnymoe
LinuxServer.io Discord Server

LinuxServer.io Discord Server

We would like to announce that we now have a Discord Server! Please come and join us at: https://discord.gg/YWrKVTn

Over the years we've tried various forms of community building from forums to comment sections to IRC. We'd like to invite you to our new Discord server which is replacing Slack f...

15th Sep 2017 - j0nnymoe
I deployed a Plex Media Server to AWS because, why not?

I deployed a Plex Media Server to AWS because, why not?

Netflix is, in my eyes, a world-leader in video delivery, so I figured if they can use AWS to serve their content, why can't I? I mean, sure, they're an international multi-billion dollar powerhouse, and I am but one man. Still, I thought to myself if anything else, it'd make an interesting case-stu...

17th Jul 2017 - Josh Stark
How To Setup Duplicati As A Personal Backup Service Using Docker and AWS S3

How To Setup Duplicati As A Personal Backup Service Using Docker and AWS S3

Users looking for personal backup solutions today have a plethora of options to choose from. Monthly subscription services like Crashplan, Carbonite, and Backblaze offer comprehensive personal and enterprise backup solutions. Users willing to put in a little extra elbow grease can make use of their...

5th Jul 2017 - Mike Vanbuskirk
DigitalOcean Announcement

DigitalOcean Announcement

I am delighted to announce a new 'special relationship' between LinuxServer.io and DigitalOcean.

Those wonderful people over at DO have agreed to sponsor LSIO. They're providing us a very generous amount of credit which we will use to host this site and much of our other build infrastructure. If...

29th May 2017 - IronicBadger