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COVID-19: How it's affected us, and how you can help.

COVID-19: How it's affected us, and how you can help.

It's certainly no secret that the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has changed everyone's lives in recent weeks. European countries are effectively closed, and people are more than ever being advised to self-isolate or work from home. It has put a tremendous amount of pressure on everyone.

Most of us at LinuxS...

21st Mar 2020 - Josh Stark
Setting up WireGuard on OPNSense & Android

Setting up WireGuard on OPNSense & Android

WireGuard has been causing quite a stir in networking over the last year or so, promising an easier way to manage VPN connections, and has some interesting benefits from my point of view.

Note: All keys used shown in the screenshots are no longer in use and were created solely for the purposes of ...

17th Nov 2019 - chbmb
Setup Pfsense & Unifi with Guest Wifi VLAN

Setup Pfsense & Unifi with Guest Wifi VLAN

Setup Pfsense & Unifi with Guest Wifi VLAN

My need for a guest network

One thing I did miss about my old Asus DSL-AC68U when I switched to pfsense was the ability to have a guest network, so visitors to our house can be given an easy to remember WiFi password and a dedicated WiFi network that is...

14th Nov 2019 - chbmb
How to access your modem webui whilst using pfsense

How to access your modem webui whilst using pfsense

I recently upgraded my entire home network setup. This involved replacing my Asus DSL-AC68U modem/router with a pfsense box and a Draytek Vigor 130 modem.

Without going into too much detail, my home LAN is on and my pfsense box has an ip address of but my Draytek...

11th Nov 2019 - chbmb
Here's to new beginnings

Here's to new beginnings

We have some great news and some not so great, to start off with IronicBadger is pursuing his podcast passion with a new show all about Self Hosting airing on the Jupiter network . It's something he's been passionate about for a long time (you may have heard his frequent guest spots on Linux Unplu...

14th Oct 2019 - j0nnymoe