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Getting started with ZFS on Linux

Getting started with ZFS on Linux

After attending Linuxfest Northwest 2019 where both Allan Jude and Jim Salter gave excellent talks about ZFS, I finally gave in and decided to implement ZFS on my server. I wonder if being a ZFS junkie is a TechSnap host pre-requisite? Here's a short article giving a ZFS 101 intro and list of comm...

14th May 2019 - IronicBadger
The LSIO Pipeline Project

The LSIO Pipeline Project

Over the past year we have been working to modernize our Jenkins build environment and shift as much of our build logic to Git as possible vs locked up in Jenkins Build definitions only accessible to admins. As of today we can now say that these changes have been applied to our catalog of Docker con...

22nd Feb 2019 - IronicBadger
Changes to our UniFi image

Changes to our UniFi image

In recent months we have seen a steady increase in interest for our current UniFi image. This image serves Ubiquiti's UniFi Controller software. As Ubiquiti improved their quality control for releases the number of requests coming our way for an updated image increased too.

Time for a rethink.


18th Feb 2019 - Josh Stark
Nvidia GPU on unRAID

Nvidia GPU on unRAID

Over the past couple of months we have been working on getting nvidia GPUs installed on unRAID so that they can be used for GPU transcoding with docker containers.

Today we are happy to announce that we have released a plugin for unRAID that will allow this!

Please head over to https://forums....

10th Feb 2019 - j0nnymoe
1 Billion

1 Billion

I am absolutely delighted to announce that Linuxserver.io just passed 1 billion total pulls from Docker Hub.

Whilst somewhat of an inexact science a 'pull' represents a docker compatible client querying to the Docker Hub API for one of our containers. Even if we accept that it's a horrendously unr...

30th Oct 2018 - IronicBadger