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1 Billion

1 Billion

I am absolutely delighted to announce that Linuxserver.io just passed 1 billion total pulls from Docker Hub.

Whilst somewhat of an inexact science a 'pull' represents a docker compatible client querying to the Docker Hub API for one of our containers. Even if we accept that it's a horrendously unr...

30th Oct 2018 - IronicBadger
The Forum...Current state and the future...

The Forum...Current state and the future...

The old forum as you knew and loved it has been retired and we're replacing it with a brand new Discourse based platform, the new standard of excellence in forum software.

Due to the greatly differing forum platforms, we were unable to properly migrate data from the old to new formats. Combined...

29th Oct 2018 - j0nnymoe
New Hard Drive rituals

New Hard Drive rituals

That new hard drive. Should you trust it? Maybe.

Over the last 10 years that I've been messing around with Linux servers (hence the name of the site by the way) there's been one thing above all else that's always required special care - hard drives. They are mechanical beasts just waiting to eat y...

29th Oct 2018 - IronicBadger
Concatenate a complex string in Ansible

Concatenate a complex string in Ansible

Constructing a long, complex string in Ansible can be achieved quite easily utilising Python string subsitution syntax.

Suppose you have the following variables:

app_protocol: http
app_port: 8080
app_path: api/v2/testing

You could construct a string with all the component...

4th Jul 2018 - IronicBadger
Query instance specific information on AWS

Query instance specific information on AWS

When working in a dynamic environment you can use the following syntax to query an instance for information about itself.

I found this very useful when needing to discover which availability zone an instance was running in, for example.


21st Jun 2018 - IronicBadger
How to configure systemd boot with UEFI

How to configure systemd boot with UEFI

Today we will cover configuring a Linux system to boot using systemd boot on a UEFI system.

Firstly you'll need to check you're booted into EFI mode. You can do this with dmesg | grep "EFI v".

Sometimes it's possible to boot your system from legacy BIOS mode instead of UEFI mode - look for the...

17th May 2018 - IronicBadger