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Install and configure NFS Server

NFS (Network File System) is a network sharing protocol that is commonly used by Linux servers due to its low network overhead and use of UID authentication.

NFS is particularly useful for low power systems such as the Raspberry Pi thanks to this lower overhead when compared with Samba. In conjunc...

23rd Mar 2015 - Josh Stark
X11 forwarding from Linux to Mac over SSH

X11 forwarding from Linux to Mac over SSH

There comes a point where it is useful to run Linux GUI apps elsewhere every once in a while and in my case virt-manager. Thus I set about figuring out how to use X11 forwarding from Arch Linux to Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks. This is how it’s done.

Linux side configuration

As usual, most of this inf...

19th Jan 2014 - IronicBadger
Removing a drive from unRAID, the easy way

Removing a drive from unRAID, the easy way

There are many reasons to like unRAID, one of them is it’s ability to easily add drives of mismatched size as and when they become available to you. I had followed this principle over the years and ended up with a hodge-podge of drives. As was my want I’ve decided to remove all 6 (yes 6) drives at o...

18th Nov 2013 - IronicBadger
How to setup Sabnzbd, Sickbeard, Couchpotato and more on Arch

How to setup Sabnzbd, Sickbeard, Couchpotato and more on Arch

I’m assuming you’ve got a working install, if you havn’t get one and make sure to install and setup yaourt as we’re going to need it.

I’m going to make all the apps run as root, some people don’t like this but as my machine is a VM there’s only so much damage it can do!

Installing Sabnzbd


17th Nov 2013 - IronicBadger
Xen 4.3, Windows 8 with VGA Passthrough on Arch Linux

Xen 4.3, Windows 8 with VGA Passthrough on Arch Linux

As I write today’s post I am feeling very pleased with the setup as it stands. The aim of this post is to detail the steps required to setup Windows 8 as a VM for Xen 4.3 on Arch Linux, with working GPU on reboot.

To recap quickly my summer project, which I embarked upon some 4 weeks ago, has be...

12th Sep 2013 - IronicBadger